There are a few steps to take in order to write a proper term paper. In this article the steps and other tips will be discussed in depth. First, let's take a look at these steps that should be followed for term paper writing.
Step One: Choosing a subject
Step Two: Finding sources
Step Three: Gathering information
Step Four: Outlining the paper
Step Five: Rough draft
Step Six: Writing and editing
These six steps provide a good template for research paper writing and should be strictly followed. Depending on the level of schooling the research paper is for, this guide can be used from the high school to the college level in most cases.
Choosing a subject
Although coming up with a subject to write about may seem simple, often times students have trouble in this area. The topic needs to fit into the writing assignment, should be something that has many research references, is a subject you are familiar with along with something you are interested in and something very specific. Other things that need to be taken into consideration when choosing a research topic are; overall value of the subject and overall interest of the subject.
Finding sources
Doing all of the necessary research that will be added to your term paper is one of the most import steps. Places where research information can be found are the library, the internet, scholarly and peer review journals, magazines, newspaper articles and even the television can be useful. One of the most overlooked options available to students during research is the one on one interview with people knowledgeable in the writing subject. What better way to gain information could there be aside from talking with someone who knows the subject?
Gathering information
Once all of the research has been done, everything you have obtained needs to be complied. These sources need to be evaluated to determine whether or not they can be used. All information that appears sketchy and/or lacking references needs to be removed. Everything that goes into your research paper needs to contain verifiable sources.
Outlining the paper
This is a simple step by which you create a structure for your research paper. Each section needs to be broken up into specific areas of important points. These points should be thought out and based on the research sources you have gathered.
Rough draft
Once all of the above mentioned steps have been finished, it's time to begin the actual writing process. A good rule of thumb for writing the rough draft is to create paragraphs based on your brainstorming. Simply by writing down your thoughts based on your research will likely make the final research paper easy to create. If you write your rough draft in a manner that is coherent the last process will go by very quickly.
Writing and editing
The final stage to your research term papers is editing and re-writing your rough draft. Spelling, grammatical errors, sources and punctuation all need to be checked and double checked. Make sure ever "t" is crossed and every "i" dotted before you turn your research paper in. No matter how well the other areas of your paper are written, you could still fail to reach your desired results if it isn't edited properly.
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13 years ago
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